Si vous voulez changer les couleurs et vitesses etc… rapidement et simplement, vous pouvez aussi ajouter le script, et modifier celui-ci !
Il faudra aussi enlever les # au tout début du code, devant try:
et except:
Une version de ce jeu avec un code beaucoup moins lisible et compréhensible est aussi disponible pour prendre le moins de place possible sur votre calculatrice !
J’espère que vous vous amuserez bien !
Me contacter sur Discord : Pıεяяε#3715
from kandinsky import * from time import sleep from ion import * from random import randint config = {} # try: from snake_config import config # except: pass UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT = 0, 1, 2, 3 def posx(x): return 10 * x - 5 def posy(y): return 10 * y - 4 class Snake: def __init__(self, config, high_score=0): self.imported_config = config self.high_score = high_score self.init_snk() self.show_score() self.start() def set_config(self): self.x, self.y = 16, 11 self.init_len = 3 self.body = [(self.x, self.y), (self.x, self.y), (self.x, self.y)] self.sleep = 0.01 self.decrement = 0.0003 = 1 self.direction = UP self.tdirection = UP self.brd_co = (255, 0, 0) self.bg_co = (255, 255, 255) self.snk_co = (100, 255, 100) self.fd_co = (255, 100, 100) for key, value in self.imported_config.items(): setattr(self, key, value) def init_snk(self): self.set_config() self.len = self.init_len = [] fill_rect(0, 0, 320, 222, self.bg_co) fill_rect(0, 0, 320, 6, self.brd_co) fill_rect(0 ,0, 5, 222, self.brd_co) fill_rect(320 - 5, 0, 5, 222, self.brd_co) fill_rect(0, 222 - 6, 320 ,6, self.brd_co) for _ in range(3): self.spawn_food() self.show_score() def spawn_food(self): while True: x = randint(1, 31) y = randint(1, 21) if (x, y) not in self.body or (x, y) not in break fill_rect(posx(x), posy(y), 10, 10, self.fd_co), y)) def show_score(self, sx=205, sy=6): draw_string("Score : {:0>2}".format(self.len-self.init_len), sx, sy) def start(self): def sub_iter(i1, i2): return tuple(v1 - v2 for v1, v2 in zip(i1, i2)) while True: if self.len < len(self.body): self.body.pop(0) x, y = self.body[0] x, y = posx(x), posy(y) ddir = sub_iter(self.body[0], self.body[1]) l, h = 10, 10 if ddir[0] < 0: # RIGHT l = if ddir[0] > 0: # LEFT l = x += 10 - if ddir[1] < 0: # DOWN h = if ddir[1] > 0: # UP h = 10 y += 10 - fill_rect(x, y, l, h, self.bg_co) x, y = posx(self.x), posy(self.y) ddir = sub_iter(self.body[0], self.body[1]) l, h = 10, 10 if self.direction == RIGHT: l = if self.direction == LEFT: l = x += 10 - if self.direction == DOWN: h = if self.direction == UP: h = y += 10 - fill_rect(x, y, l, h, self.snk_co) sleep(self.sleep) if keydown(KEY_EXE): while keydown(KEY_EXE): pass while not keydown(KEY_EXE): pass while keydown(KEY_EXE): pass if keydown(KEY_UP) and self.direction != DOWN: self.tdirection = UP if keydown(KEY_DOWN) and self.direction != UP: self.tdirection = DOWN if keydown(KEY_RIGHT) and self.direction != LEFT: self.tdirection = RIGHT if keydown(KEY_LEFT) and self.direction != RIGHT: self.tdirection = LEFT if == 10: = 0 self.direction = self.tdirection if self.direction == UP: self.y -= 1 if self.direction == DOWN: self.y += 1 if self.direction == RIGHT: self.x += 1 if self.direction == LEFT: self.x -= 1 self.body.append((self.x, self.y)) if (self.x, self.y) in self.len += 1 del[,self.y))] self.spawn_food() self.show_score() if self.sleep > self.decrement: self.sleep -= self.decrement elif (self.x, self.y) in self.body[1:-1] or not 0 < self.x < 32 or not 0 < self.y < 22: fill_rect(5, 6, 310, 210, self.bg_co) draw_string("Game Over", 120, 100) draw_string("Press EXE to play again", 55, 120) draw_string("Press HOME to return home", 55, 137) self.high_score = max(self.len - self.init_len, self.high_score) draw_string("Highscore : " + str(self.high_score), 80, 190) self.show_score(120, 170) while True: if keydown(KEY_EXE): break sleep(0.01) self.init_snk() += 1 Snake(config, high_score=74)